The Virginia Youth Tobacco Projects (VYTP) is a statewide, multi-university effort to advance the prevention and treatment of youth tobacco use and nicotine dependence through an integrated program of basic and applied research. This effort is coordinated by the Center for the Study of Tobacco Products (CSTP) at Virginia Commonwealth University, with funding provided by the Virginia Foundation for Health Youth (VFHY). The VYTP is implementing several initiatives to enhance Virginia’s efforts to learn more about the causes and prevention of youth tobacco use. The specific goals of the VYTP are to:

  • Build a statewide program of research on the causes and prevention of youth tobacco use;
  • Create active multi-university collaborations in carrying out the VYTP research program;
  • Attract new faculty scholars and students to work on problems of youth smoking;
  • Use VFHY funding as a base for attracting additional outside funding for youth tobacco research in Virginia; and
  • Translate research findings into improved prevention services and policies.

The purpose of our small grants program is to stimulate new research into the causes, prevention, and treatment of youth tobacco use and nicotine dependence. It is anticipated that awardees will use grant funds to support pilot studies that will lead to larger grant applications to Federal, state, and foundation sources. The VYTP small grants program is intended to foster multi-university and multi-disciplinary research teams. It is also anticipated that this program will be used by relatively new investigators and by senior researchers who are new to the field of youth tobacco research to initiate their efforts in this growing and critical area of investigation. The participation of students is encouraged in order to train the next generation of researchers on youth tobacco use. 

We anticipate that our next RFA will be released in August 2024. Please contact Dr. Alison Breland at with any questions.







This research is supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health and the Center for Tobacco Products of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under Award Number U54DA036105. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH or the Food and Drug Administration